The Popcorn Guide

The Popcorn Guide

Popcorn Rating System

Movie Rating Guide

Unpopped Kernals = Terrible Movie = 0 - 1.5 stars
Burnt Popcorn = Bad Movie = 2 - 4 stars
Plain Popcorn = Ok Movie = 4.5 - 5.5 stars
Kettle Corn = Good Movie = 6 - 7 stars
Buttered Popcorn = Very Good Movie = 7.5 - 8.5 stars
Movie Theater Popcorn = Awesome Movie = 9 - 9.5 stars
Bag Of Half-popped Kernals = Hall of Fame = 10 stars

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

One Day In September (1999)


Title: One Day In September (1999)

Genre: Documentary

Rating: R

Running Time: 93 Minutes

Director: Kevin MacDonald

The Plot: Terrorists disrupt 1972 Munich games.

My Take

It’s a documentary. It is what it is. I thought it was well done. The fact that the lone surviving Palestinian was interviewed made it much more interesting than it would have been otherwise. This was a huge international event that will be infamous throughout history. This documentary helps shed some light on the subject. I look forward to watching the movie Munich now after seeing this documentary. Many things about this story are amazing to me. It’s scary how much damage a few people can make. Terrorism is real and very much alive today, and this documentary only strengthens my belief that terrorism is unacceptable in all circumstances.

Should You Watch???

If you are at all interested in history like I am, then you should watch. There are a few graphic images of the dead at the end of the documentary, but I’ve seen worse. In my view, real events are always more interesting than fictional stories. It’s a documentary, so it’s not like your normal movie. Know that before you watch, and you should benefit from watching this documentary. I would say you’ll enjoy it, but how can you really enjoy watching terrorism?

Popcorn Rating

Buttered Popcorn (Although I would think it’d be hard to eat popcorn while watching)

1 comment:

David said...

Great review; you are really kicking it up a notch. I have not seen this, but a movie that I would recommend is Munich. It is a great movie and would probably be a great follow up to this documentary because it is a movie based on the events. Then you could do a comparison. Although documentaries are often slanted as much as your average movie based on the true events.